Hepatitis In Philadelphia
Viral Hepatitis info for the City of Brotherly Love

Hepatitis B and C kill more Philadelphians than HIV.
Hepatitis affects Philadelphians of every age, race, gender, and sexual orientation.
Hepatitis is called “The Silent Killer” because there are usually no symptoms and it might be years after a person has developed hepatitis before they feel sick.
To prevent death and serious illness caused by hepatitis, Philadelphians should get tested and treated.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. But what I want to know is...
What Is Hepatitis?
What's Viral Hepatitis?
What Is So Important About My Liver?
What Are The Most Common Types Of Viral Hepatitis?
The most common types of viral hepatitis are hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C have different ways of entering the body but each of them can cause serious damage to your liver. If left untreated, both forms of hepatitis can eventually lead to cancer or death. Check out the pages for hepatitis B and hepatitis C to find out more about each of these diseases.
Okay, I might have hepatitis, or know someone who might...
Where Can I Find Care?
Want to get tested for hepatitis? Lack insurance and need assistance? Are you a doctor with a Spanish speaking client who needs treatment? No matter your needs, we can help! Check out our Support + Care page to find hepatitis resources in your community that can give you the support you deserve.

What Should I Ask?
Getting the treatment you need can be tricky business. That is why we came up with a list of the top questions you should ask when you are either searching for hepatitis services or speaking with your healthcare provider. Make sure to print out the list and bring it with you so that you can take notes and be an informed and empowered patient.
I Want To Help Stop Hepatitis!
Then we want your help! Philadelphia has the ability to be a national leader in the fight against viral hepatitis and we want you to join the cause! From signing up for our newsletter to joining local coalition groups like HepCAP and Hep B United, there are many ways that you can become involved. Together we can stop the spread of these silent killers.

Wait. Who are you and why are you giving me all of this info?
We Are PDPH!
We are the Philadelphia Department of Public Health and everyday we are out fighting to eliminate the spread of viral hepatitis in our community. With you at our sides, along with local groups such as HepCAP and Hep B United, we hope to one day stop the spread of viral hepatitis.
HepCAP is a coalition of doctors, people living with hep C, community agencies, civil servants, and concerned Philadelphians. We are dedicated to improving hepatitis C support services in Philadelphia, and work together to develop projects that close the gaps in local hep C services.
We Are Hep B United!
Hep B United Philadelphia aims to raise awareness about the growing severity of hepatitis B and liver cancer in the U.S. We work to raise the public profile of hep B as an urgent health priority, increase testing and vaccinations, and improve access to care for at-risk populations.
We Are You!
By visiting this website, YOU are a hepatitis hero! We hope you will learn something here and pass the information to your friends, family, and neighbors. By getting informed, you are playing an important role in spreading information that will help put an end to viral hepatitis.